काठमाडौँ देखि जनप्रेम मा.वि. कसरी जाने ?

Distance from Kathmandu to Janaprem Secondary School (Appro. 304 KM)

Kathmandu to Pokhara= 200KM

Pokhara to Baglung= 73 KM

Baglung to Janaprem=32 KM

Day 1

1. Take Bus from Gongabu Bus Park to Baglung Bazar. Travel Duration 9 hour.

2. You may take Flight from kathmandu to Pokhara (30 mins flight). Then take Taxi/jeep from Pokhara to Baglung (2.5 hour)

3. Stay at Hotel in Baglung Bazar.

Day 2

  1. Take Jeep from Baglung jeep Park to Bhuskat (Kathekhola Rural Municipality, 1). Generally Jeep available from 12:30 PM of Day.

For Assistance Call on: +977 9857621193